Betzy in Folkeparken

Betzy Akersloot-Berg (1850-1922) was a Norwegian artist who painted the sea and coast. She worked on the island Vlieland in the Netherlands, and also in Northern Norway. Betzy would brave any weather to paint, and on bad days she used a wooden box as a makeshift portable studio.

We have built our own Betzy-box in Folkeparken. In it, you can have a seat and paint or draw the landscape around you, or whatever you want! Sunday 14.07 we will fill the box with art-supplies for our guests, all of which will be available at any time throughout the summer.

Betzy in Folkeparken is a part of Perspektivet Museums effort to  create new traces in our open air-museum. This year we focus on coastal women. In the Boathouse, you will meet the women who every year labored for hundreds of hours to prepare their men for the main fishing-season in Lofoten. By the shore outside you will meet one of the forgotten painters of coastal landscape.

If you would like to know more about the life and work of Betzy Akersloot-Berg, we highly recommend a visit to the exhibition Like Betzy in Nordnorsk kunstmuseum.

In collaboration with WOW – Walls of Women Tromsø, we have created a wallpainting on our Boathouse inspired by the art of Betzy. The official opening will take place in August, for more information visit


