Tromsø – Northwest Russia

When museums in Tromsø were consolidated, Perspektivet museum came into possession of an interesting collection of objects from the Pomor period. It mostly includes gifts from Pomors to their trading contacts in Tromsø and is unique of its kind.

Russian collection

There is a separate protocol of the Russian collection, which has been examined by the conservator Galina Babaiants at the State Ethnographic Museum in Leningrad: since then, Anne Louise Christensen, Oslo has provided supplementary information. Additional information has also come from the cultural researcher Alexandr Davydov and then the art historian Caroline Serck-Hanssen reviewed the collection for the exhibition “Russian Current. Seamen from the East meet Tromsø”.

Eastern neighbour

Tromsø ‘s close connections with its Eastern neighbour have long traditions, and since the 1990s, this contact has resumed as a part of thistown’s life. Perspektivet museum has had a number of documentations/exhibitions in which more recent material has looked into this relationship: Untermensch – about the Russian prisoners of war in the Tromsø area during WW II; Russian Current–Seamen from the East meet Tromsø; Duodji i Lovozero/Kola and reindeer herding on the Storeland tundra, as a part of the ongoing documentation process. Overall, the Russia collection demonstrates an interesting breadth.

Example items

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